Broadford and Strath Local Place Plan
A community-led plan setting out proposals for the development and use of land and buildings.Broadford and Strath Community Council are working with Broadford & Strath Community Company and other community representatives to coordinate a Local Place Plan for Broadford and Strath.
There will be an opportunity for everyone in our community to get involved and shape this important document, before submission to The Highland Council in September 2024.
What is a Local Place Plan?
Local Place Plans (LLPs) are community-led plans setting out proposals for the development and use of land and buildings. The Scottish Government has introduced LPPs as a way for local communities to think about how to make their place better, to agree priorities, and to work with others, including public authorities and other public sector bodies, to take action for change. Once completed and then registered by the planning authority, they are to be taken into account in the preparation of relevant local development plans. LLPs are part of the Scottish Government’s wider work on planning reform. This reform includes steps to improve community engagement and build public trust in planning matters in our local area.
How can having a Local Place Plan help?
A LPP can help us plan for our future and how our land is developed. It will shape the following:
- A shared community vision
- Prioritise and support community projects
- Improve land use planning
- Collaborative working between community and local and national government
What might you see in the Local Place Plan?
The following might be considered as development or use of land:
- Conservation of the natural environment;
- Retaining, improving, and expanding quality open space and green / blue infrastructure which includes plants, trees, ponds and storm drainage;
- Creating and improving play facilities;
- Sites for housing, including affordable housing;
- Sites for business, including ‘incubator space’ for new businesses;
- Sites which support climate change and biodiversity adaptation;
- Promotion of local initiatives such as active travel and community food growing;
- Improvements to the main settlement and outlying villages;
- Support for national development, as featured in the National Planning Framework.
What area will the Local Place Plan cover?
The Local Place Plan covers the Broadford and Strath Community Council area which can be found on the Highland Council website.
May: Planning
May/June: Public engagement including in person meetings and online / paper surveys
June: Public engagement and Local Place Plan drafted following consultation
July/August: DRAFT Local Place Plan shared with Community, Highland Council and elected members for review
August: Finalise Local Place Plan following review
September: Local Place Plan ready to be submitted to Highland Council
How to get involved
Look out for details of community engagement activities.
Email if you have any questions.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund, via the People and Places Project, is providing support for the development of our Local Place Plan. Broadford & Strath Community Company are also providing match funding.